Day 11: Monday June 17th - 9am to 5pm

Researching membership took up much of this day. We sent emails to several other membership organizations asking about their participation. We looked for organizations with similar benefits at a similar price mostly in the Pittsburgh area. We asked them about things like how many members they have, has participation increased or decreased in the past few years, and have they ever had unpaid membership. This will give us a bit of research to go on when presenting a new membership package for the YWCA.

Another task that took up a big portion of the day, was to upload the content to the new website server. About half of the content is new, some created by the Development and Communication Department and the rest by other departments of the YWCA. I worked to take the current content from the website and create documents with instructions for the web designers to create the new website. Stephanie then took all of the content and uploaded it onto Lava New Media in zip files. 

After spending some time doing this, we eventually got a look at some of the content on the new website. It really looked much better than the current one. It is much easier to read and the appearance is more professional. 

Day 12: Wednesday June 19th - 9am to 5pm

Social media was the theme to this day. Stephanie spent most of the day working on the YWCA Greater Pittsburgh Pinterest page, which turned out GREAT! 

I set up a hoot suite and scheduled a few posts for the week to test it out. The YWCA will now be posting on Facebook more often and finally using our Twitter!! My favorite scheduled posts was about the newest class of NASA astronauts. Check it out here!  

I also sent out copies of the Thank You video to the participants as one last final word of our appreciation. I wrote a short note on the back of each of Ellen's business cards, tucked them into the front of each package and delivered each to the participants (or someone who could get it to them).

The best part of this week was going to lunch at the Diamond Market with Stephanie, Ellen, Courtney, and Laura. It is getting close to Steph's last day, so we went out to celebrate! It was delicious! 

Fun Facts by Ellen:
  •  Read Women Don't Ask by Linda Babcock

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    Amie Hackimer

    This is my blog about my internship this summer and fall at the YWCA of Greater Pittsburgh. I'm a senior at Point Park University majoring in Sport, Arts, and Entertainment Management and looking to focus in nonprofit development. I am interning at the YWCA in the development department under Ellen Sheppard. 


    September 2013
    August 2013
    July 2013
    June 2013
    May 2013

